Floyd Emery, Missouri City District D
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Missouri City Council Member Floyd Emery Will Be Running for Reelection in the November 2024 City Elections

After much deliberation and prayer with family and close friends, I have decided to run for re-election for the position of Missouri City, City Council District D. My motive for making this decision after 14 years on the Council is multi-faceted, so allow me to identify the more salient points in my decision making process.

Continue Giving Back to My Community.
Since the 1990's I have been active in Community service in the Quail Valley and Missouri City area - 14 years as an MC City Council Member representing District D; Ex-president and an active member of the QV Proud community organization; an active member of the MC Exchange Club for over 10 years; 16 years as Chair and Co-chair of the annual Missouri City Police Officers Association Golf Tournament; President of the Board of Governors for the Quail Valley Golf Club and as a key principal in the acquisition of the QV Golf Club (Country Club) by the Missouri City, and a strong advocate on the MC City Council for the citizens, resident and businesses of District D.

Current/Proposed City Projects where I have been heavily involved in their design and implementation, with a goal of being involved in bringing them to a successful conclusion.
      Freedom Tree Park
In 2016 former MC Council Member Don Smith and I joined forces to develop the park land in Lake Olympia, adjacent to the historic Freedom Tree. Our collective vision was to re-imagine this park land where it would complement the Freedom Tree as a historical marker, but more importantly, establish a Park that would be available to the Public to learn about the journey for Freedom by our Black brothers and sisters. Now, with an alliance between Council member Jeffrey Boney and myself, we have collectively established a final design and a project calendar with a soon to be completed status.

      La Quinta Quail Valley Golf Course remediation and drainage improvements.
Utilizing the funds allocated to this project in the FY 2021 Bond Issue, approved by 76% of Missouri City voters, we will commence the design and construction of the remediation of the Golf Course with strong emphasis on improving the drainage around homes on and surrounding the La Quinta Golf Course. This is a multi-year project and will require oversight from a knowledgeable member of the community and City Council.

      Mobility and Traffic Control
Missouri City, in conjunction with Ft. Bend County, will fund and replace the Glen Lakes roadway from Hwy. 6 in Community Park. This will be a major project and will require extensive coordination between Missouri City local government, HOA and homeowners and Ft. Bend County authorities.

Replacing three stop signs on Lake Olympia Parkway with three traffic signals at Misty Hollow, Peninsula and Crow Valley will require extensive coordination with Lake Olympia HOA and its members and City Works.

Determine where and when to place traffic calming resources in the Lakeshore Harbour Development.

Design and find funding sources for a traffic and mobility project specifically designed to improve the traffic flow on Sienna Parkway and major feeder roads from Highway 6 to FM 521.

      ​​​​​​​Continue to Maintain Missouri City's 'Safe City' designation
To promote our ability to attract and retain members for our Public Safety workforce (Police and Fire), I will continue to work closely with the MC City financial staff to assign priority in reserving annual budget operating funds required to maintain salaries and benefits at a level that is competitive with surrounding area entities.

      Continue to Monitor the Recent Missouri City annexation of Sienna MUD 2
Upon annexation, Missouri City made a commitment to provide the same level of services under the SM2 governance. I am committed to see that we keep our commitments and to make them an integral part of Missouri City governance.

Bottom line, I still have "gas in the tank"to effectively provide direction and governance for the residents in District D and in meeting my long standing commitments to the residents of Missouri City to continue to move Missouri City forward and upward.

In November of this year I will be campaigning with the same effort snd intensity and ask my constituents to join me in this continuing journey.

Message from Council Member Floyd Emery to Missouri City Citizens and Residents of District D

Preparing for my 13th year and 7th term in office, allow me to share recent accomplishments during my tenure in office and plans for the future.



I take great pride in being responsive to the Homeowners Associations and the residents they represent. In addition to attending HOA Board and Annual meetings, I respond to the concerns, suggestions and recommendations of the residents of Quail Valley, sections of Quail Valley East, Lake Olympia, Lakeshore Harbour, Waterbrook(s), Silver Ridge(s)and other equally important neighborhoods in District D. With the outstanding support and solution based action of the Missouri City Staff we have made great strides in making Missouri City and District D the place to Live, Work and Play and proud to call it our home.


Missouri City continues to be ranked as one of the safest cities in Texas. Our police and fire personnel complimented with the latest equipment, technology and training required to protect our citizens and safety personnel, has been a major priority. .Through the support of a recently updated competitive salary and benefit structure we strive to attract and retain quality personnel and to bring our Public Safety personnel up to its planned levels. Additionally, we have provided our officers with Body and Patrol Car Cameras and a state of the art conversational 911 capability providing an additional level of safety and transparency for our officers and the citizens they serve. During this period we have added additional Firefighters and opened fire station #6 with the goal of maintaining our response time standards. Our Fire Department has maintained our ISO 1 insurance designation, 1 of only100 Cities across the nation to receive this highest Insurance classification. Through these Public Safety initiatives and actions, Missouri City continues to strive for and maintain our ‘Safest Texas City’ designation.


Areas along the Fort Bend Toll Road, Hwy 6 south and Hwy 90 at the Beltway continue to be of prime interest to developers and businesses. Recently Amazon has constructed their 1 million Sq. Ft. distribution center and a planned expansion of an additional 300,000 Sq. Ft., with no tax abatement, along the Ft. Bend Toll Road corridor. Additionally, construction is in the final stages of the Fort Bend Town Center II and Fort Bend Town Center III is in the early stages of design and construction. Small business initiatives with financial incentives have been added to promote improvements and expansion of small businesses in the target area of the Texas Parkway/Cartwright corridor. Small business city wide has continued to have a prominent place in our economic development strategy as is Retail and commercial business along Hwy 6, Hwy 90, FM 1092 and the Texas Parkway/Cartwright corridors. Redevelopment of Texas Parkway and Cartwright Rd properties continued to be a priority in our overall economic development plan.  


In 2019 the City contracted with a new single waste management company. This agreement contained a  recycling program which continues to grow as our citizens recognize the value of recycling.


With the hiring of a new City Manager, Angel Jones and under her direction of a newly organized City Staff we continue to search out opportunities to reduce cost and improve efficiencies when doing business in Missouri City. Transparency of our financial records, made available to our citizens, regulatory officials and other stakeholders has been improved. As a result of our fiscal policies our Bond rating was upgraded to AAA thereby providing access to lower interest rates when borrowing is needed.  


The City now has its disposal $15 million from the recently approved bond initiative. Areas where these funds are to be allocated can be found on the City website under our CIP program.  We continue to partner with the FB Drainage District to address the Long Point Creek S. drainage issues experienced in the Newpoint Estates and Creekmont S. subdivisions. Engineering plans have been approved and work plans formulated with schedules developed for implementation.


This continued to be a major issue and priority over the last few years due to the business and residential growth experienced in Missouri City and the surrounding areas. The City has taken action including; the installation of additional turn lanes along Sienna Parkway and at major intersections; additional left turn on yellow signals; upgrading equipment needed to synchronize traffic flow at major roads/intersections; signage, re-stripping and additions of Stop, Yield and speed control signage with the use of traffic calming concepts on major roadways and neighborhood streets.

Additionally, certain major mobility projects including the completion of the extension of Lake Olympia Parkway to the Ft. Bend Toll-road and the extension of Knights Rd. from Watts Plantation to McKeever Rd. have been completed.


The Citizens of Missouri City approved a Bond initiative of $51.6 million for Transportation which includes $13 million for infrastructure needs related to mobility improvements. These items have been identified and will be implemented as funding becomes available. Detail can be found on the City Website under the CIP projects.


We continued to monitor the financial and operational health of this amenity. Over the last 3 years, operations and management performance reflects a range of 96% to 103% of revenue to operating cost. This amenity continues to record over 60,000 rounds of golf annually, numerous corporate and charity golfing and non golf events, thus continuing to to make it the number one attraction site for visitors and residents (estimated at 130,000) to Missouri City. Many of these events draw sales tax paying visitors to Missouri City as they utilize the Golf Course, the City Centre venue for special occasions and food and beverage. Equally important is the visitor’s potential use and sales tax generation at other Missouri City retail businesses. The vitality of this amenity continues to be a major factor in maintaining and improving the home values in Quail Valley and immediate surrounding neighborhoods.

My Action Plans for 2024 and Beyond


We must continue to maintain our status as one of the safest Cities in Texas. To that end I will be supporting the following actions:

Support a competitive Salary structure and Benefit package for our Public Safety personnel by approving the Annual Budget needed to maintain this status.

Insure adequate funding for equipment, services and training needed to perform their duties.

Provide funding for the staffing of the police and fire operations needed to meet our public safety expectations.

Expand our presence and improve/maintain our response times by including a Police Sub-Station in the growing southern area of Missouri City.


We will continue to evaluate those areas of land open for development in our comprehensive land use plan. Areas along the Fort Bend Toll Road, Hwy 6 south and Hwy 90 at the Beltway will be of prime interest. Small business initiatives will continue to have an important place in the economic development strategy.

Retail and commercial business along Hwy 6, Hwy 90, FM 1092 and the Texas Parkway/Cartwright corridors will continue to be an important segment in the overall economic development strategy. Redevelopment of Texas Parkway and Cartwright Rd properties will be a priority when developing our overall economic development plan. I will actively support the build-out of our Ft. Bend Town Centers II and III including the proposed Metro Parking Garage and an anticipated  development of a Sienna Town Center. There will be residential and multi-family development components in my economic development strategy.


With the funding from the Bond initiative approved by the citizens, I will support the projects and priorities contained in the Transportation initiative.

For safety purposes I will continue to push for the closing of or a flyover at Cravens Rd. at Hwy 90.


Pursue the completion of the Long Point Creek S. drainage project which addresses high water issues at Newpoint Estates and Creekmont S.

Utilizing existing funding opportunities leftover from prior Missouri City Bond initiatives we will continue to investigate major drainage flow issues to determine impact from Hurricane Harvey or other high water events. Any found will be considered as a potential candidate for remediation by the City or other governmental agencies. Drainage projects funded through the recent Bond initiative approved by our citizens will have priority when addressing drainage issues. These projects can be found on our web-site under our CIP Program.


We will address and fund from the $13 million dedicated to projects identified in the recent Bond initiative. We will continue to utilize the approximately $3.9 million annual rebate from Metro, existing funds from prior transportation bonds and our inter-local arrangements with Ft. Bend County where they partner with the City on mutually beneficial projects. These revenue sources are important when examining the overall cost of a major infrastructure program.  


Missouri City is home to over 20 parks covering over 400 acres. Our Parks are an important City amenity and a key factor when businesses and residents consider moving to our City. The City Council approved an updated Parks Master plan which I will support. To address and fund these needs we will utilize the $23 million made available in the passage on the Parks Bond initiative in addition to using our available restricted park funds. We will continue to reach out to our business and public partners for Grant opportunities.  


As a Co-chair with Council Member Jeffrey Boney of the Freedom Tree Park Committee, comprised of public and educational officials, private citizens, and community stakeholders, the design for this Park has been finalized. Our charge was to transform the existing passive parkland in Lake Olympia to one that captures the history and cultural relevance of the Freedom Tree which we believe we have accomplished. With the funding of $3.5 million from the approved Parks Bond initiative we now have the funding needed to implement a re-imagined design for the park. With the release of easements by Phillips Petroleum and the Lake Olympia Homeowners  Association construction should begin in the 4th Qtr. of 2023 with completion anticipated in the 4th Qtr. of 2024.


We currently have an established business model in place (MUD’s) that for over 30 years has adequately supplied our requirements for water and waste water including storm sewer capacity and maintenance. Any consideration to consolidate a MUD or MUD’s must provide compelling evidence of its value to the City and the Citizens of Missouri City. Recently having identified one such MUD that will bring value to Missouri City we annexed the Sienna Mud 2 into the City and will look for other potential annexation candidates.


I will continue to monitor the business model we put into place to insure it has adequate funding and continues to meet the stated goals for our Shelter. Protecting our animals and reuniting them with their owners when lost will be a priority.


This City amenity now under the direction of our new General Manager, Kelly O'Donnell, continues to perform at the designed break-even or profitability goal. Any option to change the existing business model of this key City amenity that would degrade its value or scope or would create an associated negative impact on home values in Quail Valley and the surrounding neighborhoods for me will not be acceptable. 


With the experience gained and positive results attained I am positioned to continue to work with the Mayor, my fellow Council members and City Staff as we move Missouri City forward. We have made great strides in meeting our critical needs and planning for future growth, and I look forward to continuing my service to the residents of District D and Missouri City. 

Given the opportunity to continue my service as your Council Member for District D, I will be promoting the philosophy that 'Together We Will Excel' and continue to make Missouri City the place to Live, Work and Play, while maintaining our status of one of the safest and most diverse Cities in Ft. Bend County and Texas.


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